Interview with Brand Element about the production of PVC chevrons and patches
   18/06/2024 23:23:36

Interview with Brand Element about the production of PVC chevrons and patches

Watch the interview of the owner of Brand Element, Vladislav Bobrov, about chevron production in our company!

Chevrons have always been important in the army, especially for identifying units and ranks. However, in recent years, they have also become a kind of fashion accessory that allows the military to express their individuality and patriotism.

"It all started when the equipment arrived and we had to learn how to work with it. We were making the first uniforms, there was a trend for Ukrainian flags, so we started with Ukrainian flags. The first molds we made were Ukrainian flags, trident flags. These were the first chevrons we showed our customers."

One of the main trends in the design of chevrons is the use of high-quality materials and the latest technologies; chevrons have become more detailed, making them not only functional but also attractive.

"In terms of production, we are now the largest company producing PVC patches. You can see our chevrons on almost everyone: these are brigades, military community, prominent people like Karaya (pilot), libkos, Lubomyr Levytskyi and for many other units there PSDinfo, Militarist. These are the big clients we work with. "

The company also accepts individual orders. You can create a PVC pouch according to your own design, even based on a handwritten sketch.

"I, as the owner, really like working with Militarist because they are also interested in doing complex projects. We can say that thanks to Militarist, we developed 3D technology, because they are one of our main customers and asked: "we need a product like this".

Our designers did not know how to do this, but we learned step by step, step by step, and now we make complex patches. I'm driven by complexity: managers are already working independently, and I get involved only when there are some interesting orders that require my participation.

We made two huge chevrons for Max Kilderov, one of them almost 60 cm long. In order to make it, we had to completely reconfigure the kiln, change it so that it would open and close synchronously. So it was a complicated process that required us to change a lot of processes here. This is the kind of thing that drives me crazy.

I really like this Lyfestyle patch. We developed it in collaboration with our client Sanchi. This is a patch that shows two sides of life: the civilian side and the military side. The patch symbolizes the fact that civilians cannot live without the military, and the military cannot live without civilians, it is a symbiosis. Our company is depicted here, a girl who pins a patch on a military man. For me, this is my favorite patch, I always carry it with me, it is so significant for us."

Chevrons and patches not only perform an important function of identification in the army, but have also become a way of self-expression and morale boosting.

"Trends appear every month: some significant event happens and manufacturers want to capture it in memory through a patch. New patches with ideas and memorable events are constantly appearing, and we are trying to do that. We also try to make our patches more complicated, we make them 3D, we make them three-dimensional, so that they are tactile to the touch, so that they stand out from the competition. It's actually very cool. You know, the artillery loves to make their own patches depicting artillery, drone operators have their own patches - drones, the army or navy also make some interesting patches.

We are currently working on a patch for amphibians, for our special operations that take place on the water and underwater. It will be presented next week, it is very interesting, voluminous, 3D, cool, and I highly recommend it."

Thanks to the companies' innovative approaches, these small details become an expression of individuality and patriotism. Despite the strict uniform standards, PVC patches allow the military to stay in trend and feel unique.

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