Excursion to our production
   15/05/2024 10:26:59

Excursion to our production

The production of patches takes place in several stages. The designer develops the layout, automated machines fill the base, and people sew it. It's all about creating chevrons and patches. The Dnipro-based company has become the best in Ukraine at making patriotic accessories.

"You can see the matrices behind me. This is the first stage of the birth of patches, where it all starts: you give us an idea, we take that idea and in order to create any patch, we make a matrix."

Vladyslav Bobrov willingly takes us around his company, where he makes chevrons and patches. Today we will learn together what the process of creating patriotic accessories consists of. A chevron is a patch that usually has the shape of a shield or a slogan. They are used to indicate titles or membership in certain organizations. A patch is a patch that often has an embroidered or appliquéd design.

"We can make a matrix like this, depending on the complexity, in four or six hours, or it can take one, two, three days or more. By the way, I can show you now, we have a matrix of one of our clients, so you can understand what the dimensions of the matrix can be."

After preparing the matrix, we move on to the next workshop, a secret room where the process of casting the base into molds takes place.

"So this is our main workshop where we make our patches. Now we are going to put this matrix on the machine and show the process of how it will happen."

The work is very precise, and the slightest mistake leads to reworking the product.

"This patch is made in three bakes, right now we have just cast the first layer, it goes into the oven, bakes, then we take it out, pour the second layer, put it in the oven in the same way, and the third layer, the final one, when we pour the main raw material.

We put the patch into a vacuum table, where we create a vacuum of minus one atmosphere, and you can see here, you can see the bubbles - this is the air being drawn out of the chevron to get the highest quality product. 

This is the final process, when we take the finished chevrons out of the matrix. This is how PVC patches are born."

Next, Velcro is sewn onto the finished product. Although people work, everything is automated. 

"This is almost the final stage before shipment - sewing on velcro. It is also done on automated machines, and you can see the patch we have made right now. We sew Velcro to it. That's it, a chevron with a sewn-in roll!"

All the finished chevrons and patches go to the finished goods warehouse. 

"This is the place where our customers' finished orders are shipped from, that is, they are packed here, assembled, and you can see them - they are already orders that are lying there and ready to be shipped."

The company has been operating since 2022, employing fifty people to create the fittings, and cooperating with military communities, shops, and special forces and battalions.

"When we started, we learned, we made the first samples - Ukrainian flags. They were requested by the community, and then we requested chevrons." 

Previously, there were ordinary chevrons of the same type, but now there is a wave of creativity.

"You know your first customers when you open an order, and then a customer comes to you and orders 100 packs at once. You think: wow, a hundred packs, wow! But now we are producing there and the circulation is two thousand to five thousand pieces, so we are developing."

Currently, the company is developing and dreams of expanding the team, so they are waiting for everyone who wants to work on creating patriotic chevrons and patches!

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